Category Archives: Events Services

Organising Your Nuptials On A Budget

Tying the knot does not come cheap; it is estimated that in the US it can cost more than 20,000 USD. However this is not an option for many, so many creative couples and professionals in the business have come up with creative ways to hold the celebrations at a budget without compromising on what is important. Here are some ideas I was able to gather. One of the easiest ways to cut down a lot is by being creative when looking for wedding venues Melbourne. It is understandable that usually the space you have your nuptials and the reception that follows take a big chunk of your budget. So planning and thinking carefully when selecting a space can give you all the things you want while keeping things at a minimum cost. The date: it is common to note that the cost of booking a space goes up when it comes to holidays or the weekends. It is said that Saturdays are the most common date picked; therefore most hotels or reception halls go up in price on these days. They tend to be lesser on other days such as week days. wedding venues Melbourne

Go for the non traditional: some of the most common spaces used for wedding receptions are hotels and ballrooms, however they don’t come cheap. So be creative and look for an alternative space such as a flower garden, park or even an art gallery. They are ideal for more intimate gatherings and would come at the fraction of the cost. Being out of the box will give your ceremony an edge and will remain in your guests mind for much longer. Thing of your priorities: think carefully what you want from the space you pick. It is a great view, calming and soothing surroundings for an intimate gathering, 5 star food and service or ease of access etc to name a few. So decide on one and go all out and spend on that. After all you get married in thin way only once. You can view more information about this here

Have one venue: if you plan to have a church nuptial, look for one that has a small hall or facility to cater to invitees. In this way you cut down a great deal in not having to pay a book two venues. Guests also will love the fact that they don’t have to drive again for the reception that follows.

Away from town : big city spaces are known to cost more, so stay away from them as much possible. Instead pick a local spot or a location that is away from the city. You might note that there are great out of town locations ideal for a ceremony such as this at the fraction of the cost.

These are a few tips I have been able to gather while speaking to some newlyweds and also professionals in the field. I hope they help you in your wedding planning on a budget.