The Link Between Motivation And The Working Environment

In an organization, one of the most important resources is the workforce. The workforce is what drives the organization forward and it contributes greatly to whether a company achieves its goals or not, which is to say, whether the company fails or succeeds in the long run. Businesses today have started to take a greater interest in worker welfare and motivation, as it has been recognized as a crucial factor of business performance. This has led to the set-up of human resource management divisions being set up within businesses which study, monitor and handle the workforce. Due to workplace regulations being enforced as well as new laws protecting worker interest being put into effect, businesses are now in a situation where they have to ensure that workers are treated fairly and also to ensure that workers are happy within the organization, as to lower turnover rates and improve overall business performance. A huge factor that comes into play when dealing with workers is motivation. If workers are not motivated, they will not contribute positively towards the organization. Link here to gain knowledge about project management services.

Worker motivation depends on many factors, such as pay, non-monetary methods of motivation, increments, bonuses, promotions, the working conditions etc. A company has the responsibility of making sure that workers are getting paid substantial salaries that are above the minimum wage of a country and also that they receive the financial increments that are due to them, especially during special seasons or if the worker has been performing exceptionally well. It is also important to make sure there is a career path created within the organization, which is brought about through promotions. When speaking of the working conditions itself, the workspace should be comfortable, clean, hygienic and appealing to the worker. If a company has very untidy, dirty workspaces, it will disgust workers and they will either leave or their dissatisfaction will be reflected by their drop in performance. A business can carry out a commercial fit out, which will make the office space more appealing to work in and will reflect positively on overall performance.

By hiring commercial fit out companies, a company can hire professionals to improve the internal atmosphere of the firm, which will make the surroundings much more pleasant to work in. This includes making the office atmosphere more professional and at the same time making the office attractive. This will positively affect worker motivation as they will feel respected and valued by the company, and at the same time, they will feel as if they are a part of an efficient company which is professional and pays attention to all aspects of an organization.

As a result, worker loyalty towards the organization will improve and they will become more motivated, improving their quality of work and contributing towards higher profits.

Writing A Good Job Application

Employers and human resources people get hundreds of job applications every day and to them, this is just another piece of paper. In most cases, they will just glance at them for a few minutes and if nothing stands out to them, they will chuck it aside and look at the next one which is why you have to follow certain rules when writing out a resume to make sure that your resume is not only looked at but also short listed. To you, your resume is just a piece of paper but the truth is that when it goes to the office of the human resources department, it is a representation of you and therefore, you need to make sure that it represents you correctly and in detail. Read this article to gain ideas on how to make your cover letter stand out and grabs your employer’s attention.

Keep it short and simple

It is important that you keep your CV short and simple because none of the people working in a human resources department is going to take the time to read out long drawn essays because they usually have a few hundred other resumes to get through.

There are companies and individuals who offer professional resume services Melbourne which means that they will write out your resume in the most professional way for you in order to help you to get thee job of your dreams. It is important for you to keep in mind that hiring one of these professionals however is not advised because you need to make sure that your resume is done by you and a representation of your work. However, it is always a good idea to go the websites that offer advice about writing these applications as they will be able to give you some very good advice about what employers are looking for based on interviews and research with these employers themselves. Often times, employers themselves are frustrated with the resumes they receive because they waste a lot of their valuable time in having to go through them when they could easily be cut down and fitted on to one page or two. Your goal should be to stand out from all the other hundreds of resumes that are lying on the employers or human resources person’s desk and to make the person take some interest in you based on what you have put down on the piece of paper. You should always keep to the point and not go in to detail about unrelated hobbies, interests and extra activities because in truth, the employer does not care and you could lose the position based on this.

Impress Your Clients With A Wonderful Lunch Event

Often the small arrangements make an impression and that took a lasting one. If you have clients coming over for an important meeting, how you host them, where and what kind of menu you offer for lunch can make all the difference to the outcome of the meeting. A wonderful meal arranged for potential clients or vendors can easily be the best way to win over their confidence and choice for your business.

The ideal venues to look for

Instead of making a reservation at any restaurant, booking a function room with a catering service would be a better choice. It would add an air of exclusivity to corporate functions. Many catering services have small function rooms on offer. These are ideal for small gatherings where one can have buffet layouts where catering is done exclusively for your party. Often a booking is possible, even in a day in advance. Hence, if an important meeting is upcoming, plan a quick lunch at such a venue to create the right impression.

Effortless arrangements

Your clients or vendors will surely be impressed with the effort you put in to have an exclusive meal arranged for them in short notice. In reality, with the expertise of a well-established catering Melbourne company, it is all in a day’s work or half of it. Hence, if you pick from standard menu offerings, you will find an ideal buffet laid out for your company with elegant décor and ambience that makes the lunch appear a well thought out affair.

Repeated services

With an expert catering service standing by you, any corporate meal or function can be a special and exclusive affair that is easily arranged. When you identify the right catering service for your corporate requirements, they in turn will be able to offer you many choices that are ideal for working lunches or special parties for employees or clients. With a long standing relationship with a catering vendor a company also profits from reasonable rates and discounts on subsequent bookings. Hence, it makes sense to have a corporate catering partner who can send across exclusive meals in boxes for working lunches in office or set up a working lunch buffet in a function room they offer on easy rental terms.

With such options, it would be a shame to call in for ordinary food delivery service for treating your clients or vendors. It is best that you seek out more details and find an expert catering service in your city today for any upcoming corporate event.